Disturbed Biographies

David Draiman: Vocals
Dan Donegan: Guitar
Fuzz: Low
Mike Wengren: Batteries

"What I'm trying to do in lyrical perspective is bring majesty of metal," says David Draiman, defining believe Disturbed monitoring of multi-platinum debut, disease. "With this album, I wanted to talk about important things big, and even things that may not seem so important to the touch, but they come from a perspective that encourages it is wonderful -. Even so ominous"
Among its many characteristics, Draiman has a big announcement. As a singer, his voice has a precision of a scalpel, razor through the great articulated noise his cohorts create. In conjunction with the screening of learning leap, his voice and bats and slash at a level that the meaning of his words, "a literal.

Very annoying, however, when his voice gives experienced an attack of his cronies "rhythm in this Draiman describes as" a constant blend of all elements. "The attack results in songs like" Prayer "and" free "telegraphs contusions after listeners brain.
There's a reason Draiman, guitarist Dan Donegan, bassist Fuzz and drummer Mike Wengren called a victory lap around the year 2001 in the USA "Music as a Weapon" tour. Announcement Sharp and pork chops cut roads are only part of the arsenal.

In an interview, Draiman's voice has the same quality you hear on the disc. But the delivery ... slower ... and ... more reflective. Influence subsided than cuts. But when he speaks, he does not make conversation, made a statement. The second album, Believe, does not really need further explanation, as another classic album without any explanation. But the question is when you start the disc. Mainly, "What?"
"We have a responsibility," begins. "Two and a half million people who have invested in us and trusted us with the last album. We owe it to them and everything ourselves and what they mean, and lines of tradition and purity metals meet. We must remain faithful to what metal - true metal - was first created to the name of Black Sabbath and a hundred other bands: Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Metallica, Pantera, Soundgarden, the same .... All of these bands with songs that spoke great things. "
Groups of real metal tribute to the heritage of history by David thumbnail sketches above. It is one of the cute features such as: intense loyalty expressed loudly. Metal requires that quality of its best bands and fans to survive.
As a product of natural selection, it is often maligned genre altogether more strength to swim against the current in-Ozzy and Iommi-conceived 33-year history.

Torn Disturbed flow of this tradition, this new type of metal is like a shark. In their hands, the music is sophisticated, slim and muscular and has a tremendous efficiency and unique purpose. None of the twelve songs to believe, for example, goes far beyond the mark of four minutes, but each has a strength and epic quality, the other bands twice as long to transmit or not necessary.
Part of that comes to simple math: Campaign for the four musicians on the album 22 months. When disturbed, finally pulled away from the end of 2001, took a month to recuperate and then began writing Believe. Two and a half months later they were recording the album in his hometown of Chicago with producer Johnny K. As the disease, the disc was then mixed in New York, Andy Wallace.
The effort that seems superhuman? Keep in mind this is a group that does not like idle. With the precious month the group threatened the road and test, Fuzz, for example, built a garage and driveway poured his house. If this is what the group requires free time, imagine what they consider to work.
"We always work hard for what we have," says Draiman. "Nothing is easily disrupted. Such is life. It has certainly slowed. If you put in the oven long enough, but those wheels." "When on the road to a full 22 months to increase our ability to play," says Fuzz. "He made us better musicians." "It's another band," says Draiman. "We were eager to explore new territory and challenge yourself." "We wanted to prove that it is not just a formula that works for this group," says Donegan, who invented the musical context of the songs are organized groups. "I did not duplicate what we did for the first time. There is nothing exciting."
It is ironic that the cost of land to explore Disturbed duplicated the working environment so that performance by winning the disease produced. Wedding band - again, a variety of metal real - is reflected in this decision, as his pragmatism. As Fuzz says: "If it is not broke, do not fix it." It's a feeling shared by his colleagues.

"We write what we write without thinking," says Donegan. "That is partly why we decided to re-register in Chicago with Johnny K., who was our friend, because we are a local group. It puts us in a familiar environment where you can just do what we do." "We have our worst critics, "says Wengren." We always push each other better musicians and I think better people. "
The results are clear to believe. If the sickness Disturbed put on the map with signature cuts like "Stupify" and "Down With The Sickness", the new album refines that signature into the alloy and on songs like the title track, first single "Prayer" and the pit-ready "Rise" and "Bound."
"We're not reinventing the wheel," says Donegan. "But if our different playing styles and influences come together, it sounds fresh. There is an old school elements of what we do, but it is done in a modern way. Even though we have characterized as a metal band, I do not think that there are metal bands that sound like us there. "

Special Draiman's voice burns the final brand on all things Disturbed. But this time waiting for "intoxication" or six songs on the album - for the release of his signature sound. Robert Plant has his "baby, baby, baby." Rob Halford has vibrato cry. Draiman has Savage roar, throaty sounds that ring opened "Down With The Sickness", and then launched a million extreme sporting events.

"Sounds ... Oh, how the sounds they love," he said with a smile. "When" Down With The Sickness' broke as one, some people have forgotten the rest of the song. They would say: "Go to the" What the hell I did not ask me? Can you sing the line "or" What are words for this part? Or "How is it that tune go? "With this album I was determined to let people know what I can do much more than just animals."

If this time it was clear to those who listened to the album as a disease, how the work is to be heard, it is undeniable today. Sermons wild, jumping lessons projection, rhythmic attack, and yes, even "healthy", the Grand Draiman messages to be delivered. The main topic? Faith.

"I encourage your own exploration and internal truth -. Define your own faith, people need to find out what they can believe in Believe in yourself believe in the future of humanity in God in him? Death God? In matters that can not see into the spiritual world? Afraid of the Dark? Light? "

Significantly, perhaps the album ends with a song called "Darkness" whose intense mood is that the use of acoustic guitar arpeggios spider melodies on the piano and cello Peck favorite lines. As a final solution to his audience, Draiman offers his most tender vocal performance, singing, "believe recently Dare. I'll leave you black cover me deny everything, slowly move away to breathe again on my side."
"" Darkness "is a nice end of the album," says Donegan. "He completed the album in a way that lets us go in what direction we want to make a third album. I do not care, for all I expected, but ours."

"For inspiration, we look at the band that the test of time," said Wengren. "We do not want the band known for one song. We had a successful first album. Now, when we build and see where it takes us."
Draiman, which Draiman, but puts it more succinctly: "There is so much more to prove."

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